WE are now at the period of what is usually reckoned to be the slackest month for business in the whole year, though incident- ally it may be noted that, not infrequently, this reputation has been belied and, for my own part, I should be inclined to regard the early part of September as marking the most inactive weeks of the year. During the past week, the tone of markets has been rather better • a helpful factor- is a- somewhat -less anxious feeling—on what grounds it is rather difficult to see with regard- to - the !European situation, and the -recent fall in gilt-edged securities his. biduglit in a certain amount of genuine investment buying, and Home Railways have been stimulated by satisfactory profit statements by the Southern and London and North Eastern companies. The cessation of selling from Johannesburg has also occasioned some recovery in South African gold shares. At one time, Chinese and Japanese bonds rallied, but the unfavourable news of the last
two days has occasioned a fairly sharp reaction. * * * *