Undoubtedly the United Dominions Trust is fulfilling a useful function in granting long credits to industry, and indeed the Trust, which has now been established some fifteen years, has become a very real part of the credit machinery of the country. And, as so often happens under good manage- ment, the success achieved with regard to the aiding of industry has also led to good financial results for the company. For the past year, the profit was just over k200,000, and the directors were able to pay a final dividend of 111 per cent., making 171 per cent. for the whole year. At the recent annual meeting the chairman and managing director, Mr. J. Gibson Jarvie, stated that the Board had decided that the time had come to offer the 75,000 Ordinary shares still unissued, thus bringing the share capital up to L500,000, while on the terms of issue there will be a substantial increase in the General