30 JULY 1954, Page 31

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111••••••• MIMI • Woe week, .4 signs[ and addressed: tossw ,rd 793. 49 Gower St., Tendon, W .C.I.

SOilllialt Mast hr on the form here printed. t he solution and the

• wiles of the • otnerA will he toblished In the tollowine issue.

ACROSS 1 Give the swine a drink 'n a small pal (6). 4 VIPs in their own cstin talon. (8). 9 Endued for a change (6). 10 The Scotsman's name ft r esprit de l'escalier '? (8). 12 I enter the city of hats after the sailor (8). 13 A tangle of weeds to the North (6). 15 Thus mother appears in the flesh (4). 16 Peristeronie filing-system '7 (6, 4).

19 Not one of the big guns, it might be thought (5, 5). 20 Sce 7. 23 ' Here in this strong City of --- which enshrims.the title-deeds of human progress' (Churchill) (6). 25 Legal aspect of confers (8). 27 The extremity of extremity in romance it seems (8). 28 'Fop ace cloaked (6). 29 Resist in a leftish way (8). 30 Certainly it's old (6).

DOWN: 1 Cycling salesmen' (7). 2 John Halifax (9). 3 A change

in diet (6). 5 See 21


6 Once described as breath of autumn's being

(4. 4). 7, 20 What she and I did, taking our time on foot? (9).

8 'As a woodcock to Osric ' (7). mine own -, (Shakespeare) 11 Fifty-four swallowed by a pig (7). 14 A crumpled rose growing old in the air (7). 17 'To place a knight between alternatives is mostly upside down (5, 4). 18 Dress in groups (8). 19 Two sorts of them were named by Buzfuz (7). 21 Woman of title in a title with 5 (7). 22 Entertain Reginald with beer (6). 24 Evidently this scoundrel's cigarette-case was not empty (5). 26 Cheese in brief (4).

Solution will be published on August 13.

The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 791 arc as Inflows: First prize to Me. A. 1. WITIITC0MBE, Redcot. Exeter, and second prize to MRS. A. M. Wit.i.isms, 15 Orchard Bank. Edinburgh. 4.


ACROSS: 1 Proposal. '5 Aghast. 4 Chiltern. 10 Cowpzr. 12 Letter. 13 Chariots. 15 Green in my eye. 18 Outstripping. 23 Lancelot. 24 Smacks. 21, Whilom. 27 Construe. 28 Regale. 29 Prospect.

rows: I Pickle. 2 Opiate. 3 Outwear. 4 Airs. 6 Cirogrnm, 7 Approver.

8 Thrasher. 11 Shrimps. 14 Mahn, 16 Follower. 17 Stunning I4 Trefoil.

20 Nemesis. 21 Scarce. 22 Assent. 25 Poor.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary New Version, is recommended for Crosswords