The return to Cork on Saturday last of a number
of released Shut Feiners has led to serious rioting. On Sunday a crowd of sympathizers smashed alt the windows in the county gaol, seizedthe Sinn Fein Drill Hall, which had been closed by the military authori- ties, and planted the Republican flag on the roof. In the course of further rioting, the crowd attacked a Soldiers' Home and the recruiting office, tearing down the flags of the Allies and throwing the Union Jack into the river. This far the- police had made no attempt to control the rioters, but on being stoned by the crowd were compelled to charge. In the confused fighting that followed revokers were fired on the police, and it was not until' the military were called out and machine guns mounted that the rioters were dispersed. The result of the amnesty in Cork and Dublin has dis- couraged both Unionists and moderate Nationalists.