AN important, but in our opinion perfectly right and necessary decision in regard to the Air Force was announced by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on Tuesday. While people talk solemnly about the defences of various parts of the Empire, the simple fact is'that England, and particularly the capital of the Einpire, is utterly undefended. London is a helpless city. In these circumstances the Prime Minister would have been wanting in his duty if he had not provided a reasonable insurance against attack, however unlikely at the moment any attack may seem to be. But in describing the Government's policy Mr. 'Baldwin, as we should have expected,' showed hiniself most sincerely anxious to avoid anything in the nature of provocation or challenge. He earnestly deprecated a new race in armaments, and he prayed for an inter- national agreement on the limitation of air forces on the lines of the Washington Conference. He definitely invited other Governments to give such an agreement their most careful consideration.
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