The case of the Scottsboro' boys must now be familiar to your readers. All who love justice will be anxious to subscribe to the defence fund, and they may have an opportunity of so doing by attending a dance at the First Avenue Hotel, 45 High Holborn, on July 4th next at 9 p.m. Tickets (3s. 6d.) at the door. All proceeds are for the defence of these innocent children.—Pnrup JORDAN, Savile Club, 69 Brook Street, W. 1.
In your issue of June 16th you make reference to the book, Youth in Soviet Russia, by Dr. Mehnert, and you quote from this writer, "There are a hundred million people under twenty-five years of age today living in the Soviet Union " ; and yoq go on to say that the figures pay tribute to "the enormous birth-rate and the high death-rate." I would point out that the interest in Soviet vital statistics lies in the fact that these all record a birth-rate fairly constant amid the changing vicissitudes of Russian life—a high birth-rate, I may add—and a rapidly falling death-rate : the fall in infant mortality being very marked. I should, however, mention that I remember no published information on this subject for the period subsequent to the year 1928.—EDGAR C. WILLIS, Waltham St. Lawrence.
The heavy decline in transatlantic, and other passenger bookings revealed in the latest returns by the principal shipping lines prompts a suggestion. Why not follow the example of the Italian line and our own railways and concen- trate even more than has been done upon trips at all-inclusive and reduced rates for that large section of the public which will travel abroad if special inducements are offered, but not other- wise? A notable example of the enterprise shown by the leading Italian lines is their decision, following a suggestion made, I understand, by Signor Mussolini, to provide special facilities for honeymoon couples by reducing to half, in their case, the rates for cruises. Several of the crack Italian liners are engaged for such cruises this summer. Not only are the honeymooners offered the considerable inducement of a 50 per cent. cut in rates, they are also given the choice of itineraries to Egypt, Greece, the Black Sea Atlantic and Mediterranean islands, Morocco, Spain and elsewhere which are especially attractive for honeymoon trips.—FAY Comrrox, The Little House; 35a Meckfenburgh Square, London, W.C. 1.