Nearly a third of the population of Canada are of French descent and adhere firmly to their language, their faith and their. traditions. The high interest and importance of this element in the Canadian people are explained in Mr. Wilfrid- Bovey's Canadien : A Study of the French Canadians (Dent, 10s. 6d.)—a most sympathetic and well-informed book, illustrated with many good photographs. Mr. Bovey describes the great province 'of Quebec, recalls its romantic history that began two centuries before Englishmen settled hi Canada, and then deals with the French Canadians of today. He emphasizes their passion for education, guided by the Roman Church and expressed in great universities and an efficient school system. He touches briefly on politics, noting that French Liberal Quebec believes firmly in private enterprise. He disposes of the widespread belief that the French Canadian is backward by noting the growth of industry, especially pulp and paper, and the spread of Modern methods of agriculture. Mr. Bovey thinks that Quebec has suffered far less from the depression than Western Canada because the French Canadians are more cautious and More solidly established on the land. The development of French Canadian literature and art is outlined ; a hopeful effort to promote French film& as a revolt against Hollywood, 'deserves consideration. Mr.' Bovey's admirable book hai one defect ; it lacks an index.