Sir: With reference to Michael Fumento's article and to the
equally alarming facts given by Paul Johnson in your issue of 5 May, I would like to draw attention to a speech made by a Dr Chin at a conference of the BMA held last month.
As reported in the Bulletin of the Haemophilia Society Dr Chin stated that 60 per cent of those infected by the HIV virus acquired it through normal heterosexual intercourse. I wrote to the BMA asking them to comment on this astonishing state- ment, but to date have received no reply. Dr Chin's address is quoted without com- ment, though the report opens by mention- ing that he was referring to HIV and Aids worldwide. One wonders whether even in Brazil or Central Africa infection with the `God bless you, sir.' HIV virus is mainly due to normal sexual behaviour and whether this is another example of the current line of propaganda by the pro-homosexual lobby.
R. M. Blomfield 147 Banks Road,
Sandbanks, Poole, Dorset