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AFTER various contradictory rumours, Prince Albert has actually set out on a visit to his relatives in Germany ; some Court ceremonies having been hastened on account of his departure. For that reason, the first Drawing-room of the season was held on Monday, instead of Thursday. The Queen and Prince Albert arrived at St. James's Pa- lace, from Pimlico, about two o'clock, in the usual order, escorted by a party of Dragoons. The Dutchess of Kent, the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, were present, and were received in the Royal closet. Be- fore the Drawing-room, the Mathematical Scholars of Christ's Hospital waited upon the Queen, and exhibited drawings ; receiving the meed of Royal approbation. The Lord Chancellor and the Judges, and the Knights of the several orders, came in state ; and the Officers of State, the Corps Diplomatique, and the Cabinet Ministers, wore their full- dress costume. The attendance at the Drawing-room was not very nu- merous, several distinguished families having suffered from the visita- tions of death ; but the dresses of the ladies are noted for their splendour.
On Tuesday, the Queen of the Belgians arrived at Buckingham Pa- lace as a guest. Her Majesty arrived at Woolwich, from Ostend, in the Princess Alice steam-ship, at five o'clock ; attended by Baroness d'Hoogvorst and Major A. d'Hanins de Moerkerke. The Duchess of Kent went to Woolwich in one of the royal carriages, to receive the traveller ; and the Queen and Dutchess repaired with a numerous cor- tege to the Palace ; where the visiter was welcomed by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
The Queen and Prince Albert visited the Princess Sophia on Tues- day ; on Wednesday, the Prince visited the Dutchess of Kent.
Prince Albert took leave of his home on Thursday morning. He left Buckingham Palace at half-past nine o'clock, attended by Mr. George Edward Anson, Captain Francis Seymour, and Colonel Bou- verie ; proceeded to London Bridge, and thence by the South-eastern Railway to Dover ; where he arrived at one o'clock. The tide was out, and the Prince could not embark for two hours ; and therefore, attended by Colonel Jones, the Commandant of the garrison, he went to view Archcliff Fort. His Royal Highness returned to the Harbour on foot, and embarked in the Princess Alice steamer ; which got under weigh, and passed out of the harbour at a quarter-past three o'clock. The Prince was received at Ostend by the King of the Belgians, and passed the
night in that town. He will probably reach Gotha tomorrow, and rents' to England in a fortnight.
The Queen Dowager, accompanied by Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, and attended 1;), Earl Howe and her suite, arrived at Marlbo- rough Howie, from Witley Court, on Tuesday. On Wednesday her Majesty visited Queen Victoria and the Queen of the Belgians. Queen Adelaide was visited by the Dutchess of Gloucester on Thursday ; yes- terday, by the Dutchess of Kent.
The Dutchess of Cambridge went to the Italian Opera on Saturday.
General Tom Thumb, the American Dwarf, exhibited at Buckingham Palace on Saturday, and gave his imitations of Napoleon and others, to the great amusement of her Majesty and the Royal circle.