30 MARCH 1850, Page 10


On the 22d March, at Brighton, the Lady of Colonel Renews Tynte, M.P., of a


On the 22d, at Addington Rectory, near Maidstone, the Wife of the Rev. George R.

Paulson, of a son. On the 285, at Hanistall Ridware Rectory, the Wife of the Hon. and Rev. H. P. - Cholmondeley, of a son. On the 24th, in Clarence Terrace, Itent's Park, Mrs. Macready, of a son. On the 25th, at the Rectory, North Wootton, near Lynn, the Wife of the Rey. William W. Clarke, of a son.

On the 25th, in Upper Harley Street, the Lady Laura Palmer. of' a daughter. On the 26th, at Admiral Gifford's, Southampton, the Wife of Captain Gifford, R.N., of a son. Naumann%

On the 21st March, at All Souls' Church, Langham Place, Charles Edward Murray,. Esq., of the Inner Temple, son of the Rev. Edward Murray, and grandson of the late Lord George Murray, to Emily, only child of the late Rev. J. Gostling. On the 23d, at St. Michael's, Chest er Square, Robert Bentley, Esq , F.L.S. &e., surgeon, Professor of Botany to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 8A., to Marianne, youngest daughter of the late James Hunt, Esq.


On the 19th March, CadwalladerJames Smith Dodsworth, fourth son of Sir Charles Dodsworth, Bart., of Thornton Hall, and Newland Park, Yorkshire.

On the 20th, at Bayonne, Alethea, Wife of Fergus Janes Graham, Esq., Consul at that place; in her 54th year. On the 21st, in New Terrace, Camberwell, Mrs. Ann Strutt, formerlyof Farningham, Kent ; in her 94th year. On the 22d, at Sandy Place, Beds, Lady Payne Buckworth, eldest daughter of the late Sir Philip Monoux, Bart., of Wootton House, and Relict of Lieutenant-Colonel Buckworth ; in her 85th year. On the 22d, at Walsall, General Charles Craven, of Riehardstown, county Louth, formerly of the Fifth Dragoon Guards ; in his 81st year.

On the 22d, at Spring Hill College, Birmingham, Mrs. Dorothy Webb, Widow of the late John Webb, Esq., Proctor of Doctors' Commons; in her 93d year. On the 22d, at Swiudridge House, William Smith Neill, Esq., of Bernstein and Swindrigemuir, Lieutenant.Colonelof the Prince Regent's Royal Regiment of Ayr Militia, and a Deputy-Lieutenant of the county of Ayr. On the 22d, at Little Plumstcad Hall, Norfolk, Sophia, Widow of the late Philip Stephens, Esq., Admiral of the Red; in her 75th year.

On the 23d, at the Deanery, Salisbury, the Very Rev. Francis Lear, B.D., Dean Of Salisbury; in his 69th year. On the 23d, at West Hall, Mary Heron, eldest daughter of Sir James D. H. Elphin- stone, Bart.; in her 4th year. On the 23d, in London, Colonel A. Campbell, C.B. and K.H., of the Ninth (Queen's Royal) Lancers. On the 24th, in Upper Grosvenor Street, the Relict of Richard Curran, Esq., and daughter of the late Sir Robert Henderson, Bart., of Ferdel, Fife; in her 81st year. On the 24th, at Burgh Rectory, Suffolk, the Rev. 'George Francis Barlow ; in his 92d year. On the 26th, in the Albany, Vice-Adnriral the Men. Donald Hugh Mackay. On the 26th, at Lambeth, William Barth, Esq., President of the Money Order- office, London ; in his 66th year.

On the 27th, at Hampton Bishop, Herefordshire, Colonel Weare, K.H., late Aide- de-camp to the Queen, and Commandant of the Provisional Battalion, Chatham.

On the 27th, in Oxford Square, Hyde Park, Richard Greeley, Esq., Bencher of the Middle Temple ; in his 84th year.

On the 28th, in Bruton Street, Berkeley Square, Lieutenant-General Sir John Macdonald, G.C.B., Adjutant-General of her Majesty's Forces, and Colonel of the Forty-second Royal Highland Regiment.