30 MARCH 1850, Page 10


Her Majesty's takes the lead next week at the reopening of the Opera- houses : on Tuesday, Lucia di Lammermoor will introduce Miss Catherine Hayes with Mr. Sims Reeves ; and on Thursday, Don Pasquale will re- store the peerless pair, Madame Sontag and Signor Lablache. The decided success of Mademoiselle Amelia Ferraris, a new Italian (lamellae, in a pas introduced between the acts of the opera on Saturday last, may be regarded as one step more towards that resuscitation of the ballet which many expect will characterize the present season. To fix the style of the debutante, when she has only appeared in a grand pas, that affords no opportunity for individual expression, would be somewhat pre- mature. We may, however, say that she shows a wonderful mastery over the mechanism of her art, with an appearance of ease that very few artists have attained ; and that her qualifications as a dancer arc backed by considerable personal attractions. The reception was more than a pro- mise---it was a triumph. The great stars of the Covent Garden Opera—Madame Grisi, Signor Mario, and Signor Tamburini—appear on Saturday, in Lucretia Borgia. A new tenor—Signor Tamberlik—makes his debut on Thursday, in Masan-kik.