30 MARCH 1850, Page 7


Mr. John Watson Gordon, President of the Royal Scottish Academy of Painting, he., is appointed the Queen's Limner in Scotland, in the room of the late Sir William Allan. Sir David Will& was Sir W. Allan's predecessor.

Proceedings were lately taken to cause the removal of John Knox's house in the High Street of Edinburgh,—a cherished relic of the great Refonner —on the ground of its dangerous condition. A subscription has been raised, and the home has been put in a state of sound repair, for continued preservation.

Three barbers have been prosecuted at the Central Police Court, Glasgow, for having exercised their calling on. the Sabbath-day. They were, however, acquitted ;•it-being successfully contended, that the old Scotch statutes, (1661 to 1691,) on which the proseention was founded, were quite inapplicable at the present day.