30 MARCH 1850, Page 9



Both the English and Foreign Stock Markets are without material change in prices, or the occurrence of any business of importance. Consols opened at 96, and there were for a short time buyers at 96 for Account ; but the quotation soon fell back to its present-mark, 95k 6 both for Money and Amount. The Share Market is firmer, without any material alteration in prices •, the fol- lowing are the principal bargains occurring—Buckinghamshire, 171; Cale- donian, ; Great Western, 55f ; Great North of England, 220 222 ; Brighton, SO{ ; London' and North-western„ 105 / 105 ; Midland, 38 ; South- eastern, pi a ; York, Newcastle, andllerwiek, 13 1 ; York and North Mid- land, 16 I. SATDRDAT Two o'Creca.

The English Stock Market has linproved, the closing price of Consols being 96} both for Money and Account. The transactions of the morning have been insignidbant. In the Foreign Market the only material variation oc- curring is in Spanish Stock, both varieties of which are from 1 to per cent higher ; the Active having been done at 17, and the Three per Cents at 36f. Russian Five per Cent Stock is also in deniand ; as is both the Danish Five per Cent Stock and Scrip, the former having been done at 941, and the latter at 3 premium. The following are the principal transactions recorded—Bra- zilian, 90 891; Buenos Ayres, 61 50 51; Danish Five per Cents, 94124 Ditto Scrip., 3 21 premium ; Equador, 3f ; Grenada Deferred, 4} ; Mexican, ;6Teruvtan, 721; Deferred, 27} ; Portugaese Five per Cents, 31; Ditto Four per Cents, 324; Russian Five per Cents, 107; Ditto Scrip, 1 ; Bel- gian Four-and-a-balPper Cents, 381; Duteh Two-and-a-half per Cents, 551; Ditto Four per Cents, 861. General Mining Shares, ; hinted Mexican Ditto, 71 .1 ; London Joint Stock Bank, 17 ; Provincial of Ireland, 411. The Railway Share Market is not quite so firm in some instances as in the morning, though Caledonian and some of the minor varieties are rather better. The following are the principal bargains recorded—Caledonian, 81 94; Ditto Preference, 61 ; Chester and Holyhead Preference, 7} ; Eastern Counties, 71 . Edinburgh and Glasgow, 2.5; Great Western, 54 / 5 - Ditto Half-shares, 271; Ditto Quarter-shares, 14; Ditto Fifths, 101; Ditto New, 171., 7 6} ; Hull and Selby. Half-shares„ 481 ; Lane.ashire and York- shire Fifths, 101 } ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 801 Jt ; London and North-western, 1051 ; Midland, 38}; Ditto 501. Shares, 4}; North British, 81 ; North Staflordshire, 71 ; South-eastern and Dover, 14.1.1t; York, Neweastle,.and Berwick, 1314; York and North Midlanel,_164 ; Boulogne and Annelle, 61; Northern of France, 124 ; Rouen and Havre, .

3 per Cent Consols 961 Danish 3 per Cents 67 9

96 Dutch 21 per Cents 1554

shut Ditto 4 per Cents 86 7 shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 291 shut Peruvian 6 per Cents 72 3 shut Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 82 3 64 67 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 84 6 shut Russian 5 per Cents 106 107 89 91 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 164 17 89 91 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 354 61

100 102 Venezuela 31 32

93 5

STOCK EICHANOR, THURSDAY Arrzaimmv. The daily accounts from Paris have been more favourable. The Funds are firmer there, and the feeling of alarm alluded to in our last report appears to be subsiding. There was consequently a better demand for bills on Paris on Tuesday and today. The price of Consols continued without fluctuations of moment till this morning, when an improvement of f per cent occurred ; the price for Account reached 96f. Among the reports of the market, is one that the East India Company either have been or wiA soon be large buyers. The Company have to make an annual investment of the interest of the 1,100,0001. and accumulations which is the nucleus of a fund intended to pay off the Company's existing capital stock: Business till today has been upon a limited scale, and the transactions' unimportant. More activity, how- ever, has been apparent this morning ; and after, as already stated being at 964 for Account, th closing quotations are 951} for Money and 95/ 96 for Account. The lies of the Reduced Throe per Cents, Three-and-a-quarter per Cents, and Long Annuities, will open for private transfer on Saturday next, the 6th April; and the dividends will be paid to the public on Tuesday the 9th. Money continues very abundant, the into of discount for first-class bills being about 2 per cent. The Foreign Funds have been generally depressed, and almost all descrip- tions of Stock current at lower quotations than last week, in the almost total abeence of .business. The Russian Four-and-half per Cent Scrip fell to 1 Fe- raium, but afterwards recovered, and is today done at 1 premium. Danish Five par Cent, Scrip has fluctuated within 1 per cent of 2f premium, and is now,, rather firmer. The Five per Cent Stock has also improved. The Peninsular Securities have been heavy ; both, varieties of Portuguese Stock having been done at 30, a fall of between 2 and 3 per cent. But they are firmer again. Spanish Active and Three; per Cent Stock had also declined about 1 per cent, but both are today within' a little of the quotations from which the decline commenced. Mexican Bonds declined nearly 1 per cent, having fallen ta.284. They have since improved about. f per cent; a remit- tance of about pi,000 dollars having been received on account o the divi- dends. Peruvian Five per Cent Stock has been steady, and is rather firmer than last week.

The market for the principal Shares has been firm; but some of the less known varieties have experienced considerable depression. We allude more particularly to Lancashire and, Yorkshire, East' ast Lancashire, and South-east- ern. The latter appear to have been, depressed in consequence of some pro- ceedings inphancery, by which thenpaynient of the dividend now due would, it was supposed, be made dependent upon the company's proving that they were in possession of funds, sufficient to complete -a collateral line. Lanca- shire and Yorkshire were depressed in consequence of some large sales said to be made on account of mortgagees of shares ; these are today about 21. above the lowest quotation.

Ditto for Account..

3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 4.1 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents