30 MARCH 1867, Page 23

A history of Ancient Christianity and Stwred Art in Italy.

By Charles J. Homans. (Williams and Norgate.)—Mr. tremens, we believe, is or was what some call a convert, and others a pervert. We had no right to read this valuable contribution to archa3ology with a view to discover- ing its author's opinions, but the way in which they are put forward was rather tempting, We found him talking of "the beautiful scenes added to the historic life of the Blessed Virgin," and we did not know whether ho was most impressed with the beauty or the addition. A little farther on we found him mildly defending monasteries and censur- ing the Stylites as phenomena of morbid enthusiasm, "the utmost de- parture compatible with purity of intention from the genuine norms of Christian life." This is not the general opinion among those who have accepted Rome, with all the aocompaniments. But it is an opinion which can be reconciled with passages in the later writings of the greatest of converts.