One hundred years ago
Whatever the state of negotiations with Russia, the British Government is obviously resolved to be prepared for the worst. On Thursday a Royal Mes- sage was read in both Houses, announc- ing that a 'time of emergency' had arrived, and that the Reserves and Militia Reserves had been called out, 70,000 men in all being thus placed at the disposal of the Horse Guards. At the same time, the Viceroy of India has ordered the mobilisation of 50,000 men. Two armies of 25,000 men each will be formed at once, one in the Bolan at Quetta and Pisheen, commanded by Sir Donald Stewart, and one at Rawul Pindi, from whence entrance can be obtained into Afghanistan by the Khy- ber, commanded by Sir Frederick Roberts. Provisions for a six months' campaign are already being forwarded, and mules are being collected from provinces as distant as British Burmah.
Spectator, 28 March 1885