A GRAVE matter-of-fact correspondent requested on Monday to be informed touching an announcement which had, he said, puzzled him not a little. The announcement he alluded to was the commerce
maintained between Turkey and China. " Turkey and China," in- deed 1—Our correspondent referred us to a passage in our number of the previous day ; but even on consulting the text, we were for some time at a loss for an explanation. At length, on calling for the " copy," we discovered—(we write a very Chinese sort of hand)—that what we in- tended for.r, our Devil had "transmogrified" into T, and our N the same personage had changed into R ; so that not only had the letters but the very genus of our meaning been altered, and JUNKS (a kind of Chinese doggers, that sail as the wind blows) have been converted into TURKS. We make the more haste to correct this small mistake, because we oh. serve that Mr. 13 UCKINGHAM lectures on the Eastern World next week, both at the King's Theatre and the City Concert-rooms ; and we are apprenhensive lest he should either make his enlightened audiences merry at the expense of the press, or, what would be more unlucky, mislead them, by quoting our authority in proof that, were the Com- pany's monopoly once set aside, the teas of China might be had through the easy medium of Turkey.