Borrns.—In Arlington-street, Lady Mary Stephenson, of a daughter-On the 26th inst. in Berners-street, the Lady of Capt. John Angelo, of the 3d Reg. of Bengal Cavalry, of a daughter-At the Palace of Tuam, Ireland, the Lady of James O'Hara. Esq. M.P. of a daughter-At Battersea, the Lady of Valentine Morris, Esq. of a sun-At Ascot-lodge, Berks, the Lady of John Bishop, Esq. of a son-On the 24th inst. at his seat, Kilmory, Argyleshire, the Lady of Sir John Powlett Orde, Bart. of a daughter-On the 22d inst. at Brislington, Somersetshire, the Lady of the Rev. Charles Rankin, of a son. IIIAIR/AGES.-011 the 21st inst. at St. George's, Bloomsbury, Charles Upham Barry, Esq. of Woburn-place, to Emily Matilda, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Dodd, Esq. of Montague-street-At Minster, in the Isle of Sheppy, Capt. Charles Mills, late of his Majesty's 55th Reg. to Isabella Frances, only daughter of James Browne, Esq. Me- dical Officer of his Majesty's Royal Naval Yard, Sheerness-At Madras, Robert Shean, Esq. of his Majesty's 13th Light Dragoons, to Elizabeth, third daughter of Sir George Garrett, of Portsmouth-On the 28th inst., at Kensington, by the Venerable the Arch- deacon of London and Vicar of Kensington, John Speed Davies, Esq., of Bernard- street, Russell-square, eldest son of the late T. L, 0. Davies, Esq., of Alresford, Hants, and nephew of Lady Silvester, to Isabella Anne, daughter of the late Nathaniel Huson, Esq., barrister-at-law-On the 20th inst., at St. Mary de Castros Church, Guernsey, James Saumarez Dobree, Esq., youngest son of the Rev. N. P. Dobree, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of John Carey, Esq., M.D., of Clifton-At Malta, on the 14th of March, Lieut. James, of the 85th King's Light Infantry, to Susannah Arnie Ann, third daughter of Colonel the Hun. W. H. Gardner-On the 28th inst., at Cberiton, by the Rev. William Brockman, Thomas Du Boulay, Esq., to Harriet, third daughter of the Rev. Julius Drake Brockman, of the Rectory, Cheriton, Kent.
DEATHS.-On the 24th inst. in St. James's-square, Capt. Sinclair Erskine, second son of the Earl of Rosslyn, in the 25th year of his age-On the 18th inst. in Lansdowne- place, Bath, Lady Holbourne, relict of the lute Sir F. Holbourne, Bart.-On the 16th inst. at the Rectory-house, Barnwell, the Rev. R. Roberts, D.D. Rector of that parish— On board his Majesty's ship Java, in Madras Roads, 'Thomas Mainwaring, Esq. Mids. shipman of that ship, second son of Sir Harry Mainwaring, Bart. of Fearer-hall, in Che- shire, and nephew to Lord Viscount Combermere-At Lampeter, in Cardiganshire, Dr. Charles Lloyd-At the Duke of Beaufort's, Grosvenor-square, the infant son of Mr. and Lady Georgiana Ryder-At Southernhay, Exeter, Rear-Admiral R. Haggett, aged 71-At Bagland, in Monmouthshire, Lewis Brigges, Esq., son of the late Sir John Brigges, Bart.-At Scotton, in Norfolk, Sir Moms Durrant, Bart.-On the 24th instant, at Drummond Place, Edinburgh, E. C. Megget, daughter of Thomas Megget, Esq. W.S. -On the 9th inst., on board the Ganges, Captain Lloyd, on her passage to England„ Marv, wife of R. W. Norfor, Esq., of Madras ; and, on the 13th, her infant daughter -At Paisley, Andrew Lindsay, whose abilities, and peculiar habits, are well worthy his- torical record. Mr. Lindsay was born in Glasgow, in the month of September, in the year 1751 ; he was baptized on the day he was born, in the Trot) Church, and on that day, the female who carried little Andrew to the church, either in the act of presenting for, or receiving the infant after baptism, accidentally brought his eyes in contact with the frill of her sleeve ; this unfortunately produced a disorder in the organs of vision,. that speedily terminated in total blindness. At the age of twelve months he was re- moved to Paisley, where he continued till his death. While young, few equalled him in climbing trees, and discovering birds' nests ; he distinguished colours by the smell ; he- was an expert swimmer, and loved every athletic exercise. He was fond of fishing in. the neighbotiring waters • and for this purpose he dressed his own flies ; and, however strange it may appear, the fact is no less true, that Mr. Lindsay often walked from: Paisley to the West Ferry, a distance of eight miles, to enjoy a day's fishing. His taste• was as refined as his intellect was vigorous. But it was the intellectual powers pos- sessed by Mr. Lindsay that rendered him an object of admiration. He taught the violin,. the flute, and common fife ; he could also speak the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, and Spanish languages. He spoke and taught French with a grammatical accuracy that astonished. learned individuals from that country.-ScottIsPaper.