STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—The settlement of the May account took place on Tuesday, and was effected without any great difficulty. Prices on Monday, and on Tuesday until after the account was settled, remained perfectly steady ; but on Tuesday afternoon a rise of per cent. took place, which, after some slight fluctuations, has been firmly maintained. In the heavy Stocks there has not been the slightest alteration since last week. Money is sufficiently plentiful, but is worth from 21 to 3 per cent. Exche- quer Bills are a shade lower than last week-67e ; and India Bonds are ex- actly the same-54s. India Stock, however, hasadvanced to 230. The French Funds are also on the advance, and the 3 per Cents., at the date of the latest advices from Paris, were 79 f. 60 c. The other Continental Bonds have been in rather more demand here this week ; but there is no material change in prices. Colombian Bonds have advanced to 18 ; but thegreat object of speculation has been Brazil Stock, which, after many fluctuations, is now about 571: the lowest price of the week was 55; the highest 59f. It is now positively stated that a new loan has been concluded for about 400,0001. money, at somewhere about 52 ; which, of course, will lead to the creation of nearly 800,0001. Stock. This sum, it is said, is to he religiously set apart for the payment of future dividends, until Pedro's finances are brought into order. But put not thy faith in loan contractors, nor in the economy of the Emperor so long as he is able to borrow.
Portuguese Stock has been as high as 47 ; but was last done at 46. In Shares, generally, the market is better. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'cLocx.—The Market opened at 88i to for money, and 881 to f for the account, but is now an eighth per cent. lower, and the market rather heavy, although no considerable business is doing.
Bank Stock, div.Sper Cent. 2111 3 per Cent. Reduced, 871 3 per Cent. Consols, 884 * 31 per Cent. 1818, 31 per Cent. Reduced, 96I I I New 4 per Cents. 1822, 1031 4 per Cents. 1826, 104 Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Tan. 1860) 191 9-16 India Stock, div. 101 per Cent. 2301 South Sea Stock, div. 31 per Cent. Prussian, 1031 4 India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, Russian, 961 97 1829, thereafter3 per Cent.) 55 Spanish, 91 1 Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per Cent. SHARES. Anglo-Mexican, 321. 10s. 351. Brazilian, Imperial, 831. 851. Real Del Monte, per Diem,) 66 67 Consols for Account 881 1
Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. 98 99 Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 58 Buenos Ayres 6 Cent. 25 26 Chilian, 6 per Cent.
Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent. 17 18 Danish, 3 per Cent. 65.1 66 French 5 per Cents.
Ditto 3 per Cents.
Greek 5 per Cent. Mexican 6 per Cent 201 21 Neapolitan 5 per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 11 12 Portuguese, 5 per Cent.46
Colombian, 71. Si.
United Mexican, 101. Ill.