30 MAY 1868, Page 1


THE week has been marked by complete political torpor. The

subject in the House of Commons has been the Scotch Reform Bill, and as the Scotch Members decided to obey Mr. Disraeli, the discussion has been languid to weariness. The House rose on Friday for the Whitsuntide holidays, and will not reassemble for business till next Thursday, thus escaping a week of the steamy weather which in London is so detestable. It is probable that the lull will continue after it reassembles, and that the next rally will be about the necessity of hastening a dissolution. Mr. Disraeli hinted on Thursday that he was in no hurry, and Mr. Gladstone hinted that he was, and there will probably be a Committee ordered to consume as much time as possible in deciding how best to avoid delay. "Time and I," said Philip IL, "against any two ;" and so thinks Mr. Disraeli, let us hope with as much justice.