Great firmness has prevailed in the market for all Home
Securities this week, and an important advance has taken place in the quotations. At one time, Consols, for money, were done at 95/ to 96; and for the 4th of June, 94/ . Yesterday, however, the market was less firm, and Consols, for transfer, left off at 95,
Reduced and New Three per Cents. have marked 34/, ; Exchequer Bills, 8s. to 13s. prem. Indian Securities have tended upwards in price ; India Stock, 215 to 217; ditto, Five per Cents., 116/, 117 ; ditto, Bonds, 20s. and 25s. prem. On the whole, a fair business has been transacted in Foreign Bonds and Railway Shares. Money has been in limited request, at 11 to 2 per cent. for best short paper. The stock of bullion in the Bank of Eng- land is 21,290,6521.; in the Bank of France, 47,913,000/.