We learn that at a conference of artisans held recently
at the rooms of the Society of Arts, under the presidency of Lord Lichfield, a "Workmen's Technical Education Com- mittee" was formed, for the purpose of promoting the adop- tion of such measures as may enable the existing generation of workmen and apprentices to obtain opportunities of learning the scientific principles involved in their respective trades. Industrial museums, with classes, and systematic instruction in handicrafts, are contemplated. With the view of opening this peaceful cam- paign, the Committee have asked a number of distinguished scien- tific men to give a series of lectures illustrating the dependence of industrial progress upon increased scientific knowledge. The first lecture was given by Professor Kerr on Tuesday last, on " Techni- -cal Education for the Workman, from an Architect's Point of View ;" and other lectures will be given every Tuesday and Friday, at the London Mechanics' Institute, by such men as Dr. Carpen- ter, Dr. Gladstone, Dr. Lankester, Mr. Warrington Smyth, and others.