Marshal MacMahon has terminated the Ministerial crisis. Weary of the
incessant shuffling of the cards, of Ministry after Ministry formed only to fall to pieces, and of 'the Due d'Audiffret- Pasquier's proposals to continue the Government of Combat, but turn it against the Imperialists, he suddenly ordered General Cissey to become Premier, the Due Decazes to keep the foreign seals,
Magee to go on with his finance, M. Fourton to take charge of the Interior, and three or four insignificant persons to fill the other departments. Two of the latter, it is said, did not know of their appointments, but still, there is a Ministry, which, however, does not even propose to frame any programme, to pass any laws, or to do anything, except carry on current business. It is, in fact, to be like Mr. Disraeli's Cabinet for this Session, a A, Ministry of silence and consideration." As France cannot be silent, and grows hypochondriac whenever she considers, the Ministry is not likely to last, or the Dissolution to be long postponed.