rTo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It was suggested some time ago in the Spectator that a scheme should be set on foot for the purpose of granting small loans to working-people in temporary distress,—the same to be repaid by instalments. I send a paper containing a report of the annual meeting of the Salisbury and South Wilts Provident Dispensary, in connection with which the above suggestion is about to be carried into effect. I beg also to draw your attention to the fact that the Provident-Dispensary system has been introduced into the country parishes in this part of Wiltshire, and that over 5,000 agricultural labourers have already been registered as provident members. The institution has been of great service to the labouring poor, and is much appreciated, more especially in distant and outlying rural parishes. It has also been the means of greatly diminishing, pauperism ; for when a labourer applies-to the Poor-law Medical Officer he becomes a pauper and loses his vote, if he has one. If you would kindly
notice our success here, other counties might possibly be induced to follow our example.—I am, Sir, Ac.,
Salisbury, May 25th. J. ROBERTS, M.D. (Retired).