30 MAY 1914, Page 14


(To Tax EDITOR 07 THE "Srserrroa."3

SIR,—I notice that in a speech in the House of Lords on Wednesday week Lord Sudeley, referring to the good work done by the official guides at our museums, suggested that some attempt should be made to advertise the fact that the services of the guide-lecturer could be obtained for a small fee at Kew Gardens, which were visited by 3,800,000 people last year. As a purely informal and unsolicited means of contributing to this end, may I, as a grateful visitor to Kew, be allowed to furnish the accompanying doggerel testis monial?— The most delightful thing to do In summer is to visit Kew.

No garden can with it compare. Have you an afternoon to spare? At 3 o'clock you should be there.

For threepence only they provide In Mr. Dunn a perfect guide. If you know much, he'll tell you morel

If you're a dunce, he'll ope the door Of botany and woodland lore.

A dozen visits are too few To taste the full delights of How, For underneath the summer sun No guide deserves the mark Al More thoroughly than Mr. Dunn.