30 MAY 1914, Page 2

Though finance has been affected both in Egypt and the

Sudan by the low Nile of 1913, disaster was avoided by the completion of the Assuan dam, and the consequent storage of sufficient water to mature the cotton crop. The Adminis- tration shows a surplus both for Egypt and the Sudan, but, to avoid the relaxation of development schemes, it is proposed to raise £400,000 extra by a moderate increase in the Tobacco Duty. In the Sudan the British Government have guaranteed a loan for £300,000 to develop cotton grow- ing, and the general position is reported satisfactory except on the south-east Frontier, where an extensive trade in arms and ammunition is carried on between Abyssinia and the Nuer country. In the Report on Egypt Lord Kitchener points to the creation of two new Ministries of Wakfa (Pious Foundations) and Agriculture in evidence of a desire to adjust the Administration to the needs of the country, and dwells with satisfaction on the smooth working of the much- criticized "Five Feddan Law." In fine, an optimistic spirit pervades the entire Report, save for the admission that there has been some increase in the number of crimes committed during the year.