30 MAY 1914, Page 1

would not add to his personal prestige among his subjects,

and we fear that this has turned out to be only too true. A fighting people yield their respect only to a very strong and self-confident man. Meanwhile the country is in a state of confusion owing to the hopeless medley of warring interests. It is a favourable duelling-ground for the jealousies of Austria and Italy. The Austrians favour the Roman Catholic tribes and oppose themselves to the Moslem insurgents. The Moslem insurgents are using the grievances of the deported Eased as a rallying-cry, and are already demanding a Moslem ruler in place of Prince William. It is suggested that the Young Turks may be behind this movement. Italy, for her part, sympathizes with Eased, and the hospitality he is receiving in Italy is a material pledge that Italy is for the Moslem tribes as against the proteges of Austria. The Mpret's troubles are not likely to vanish so long as he relies on the help of Austria and Italy, whose inspiration is mutual suspicion.