30 MAY 1914, Page 3

On Monday the Lord Mayor opened the club rooms of

the Overseas Club in Aldwych. A large number of well-known public men were present, including Lord Northcliffe (the founder and President of the club), Lord Selborne, Lord Buxton, and Lord Meath. The Overseas Club has grown remarkably in three and a half years. It was founded in August, 1910, and in February of the next year had 15,000 members. In another year the membership had grown to 75,000, and it is now 120,000. Mr. Evelyn Wrench, by travelling assiduously all over the Empire, has linked up the various branches. Messages were received at the opening ceremony from statesmen in all the great Dominions. Among the objects of the club are the following :—

"(a) To establish club premises which shall be available for the use of members of the branch or visiting members of any other recognised branch possessing a charter granted by headquarters. (6) To bring together in the bonds of fellowship members of the Overseas Club residing in the district. (e) To extend the hand of fellowship to members arriving from or passing through to other parts. (d) To create and foster en intelligent interest in the welfare of the British Empire."