30 MAY 1914, Page 3

The by-election at Ipswich has gone emphatically against the Government,

Mr. Ganzoni, the Unionist candidate, capturing the seat from the Liberals, defeating Mr. Masterman, increasing the Unionist poll by 959 votes, and securing a clear majority over both opponents. The figures, declared last Saturday night, were as follows :—Mr. F. J. C. Ganzoni (U.), 6,406; Mr. 0. F. G. Masterman (L.), 5,874; Mr. John Scurr (Socialist), 395. To sum up, in an election fought mainly on the issue of Home Rule, in an essentially working- class constituency, and on a poll representing 93 per cent. of the electorate, the Government candidate failed to hold the seat, though he was a Cabinet Minister, and was supported by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in person, who made a vehement appeal to the electors on the eve of the poll to vindicate the liberties of the people.