30 MAY 1914, Page 3

We deeply regret to have to record the loss of

Mr. Gustav Hamel, the most brilliant and popular of British airmen. Returning from France on a new monoplane last Saturday, be disappeared in a fog in the Channel, and has not been seen or heard of since. A search was promptly and exhaustively carried out by torpedo-boats, but without any results, the rumour circu- lated on Wednesday that he had been picked up by a fishing. boat in the North Sea proving baseless. The loss to British a i manship has been recognized in a remarkable Order issued by the Admiralty. Mr. Hamel was not merely an intrepid aviator of a most engaging personality, but hie flights were invariably governed by a scientific aim, and he had, in collaboration with Mr. C. O. Turner, written what is generally admitted to be the best practical treatise on the subject.