rig itletropolis.
At a meeting of the Common Council,on Thursday, Mr.R. L. Jones stated, in replyto a question from Mr. Wire, that the Committee for Rebuilding the Royal Exchange " hadmade references to two eminent architects, fur them to consider the eight plans selected as the best, but all had declined the task. Since the last refusal, the Committee had not further settled what was to be done."
A vote of thanks to the late Lord Mayor was passed. The vote, as pro1oe«1 by Deputy Dicks, lauded Mr. Wilson especially for his zeal in enforcing the provisions in the Poor-law Act for administering re- lief to the immediate necessities of the destitute, his " conservancy" of the TImum,, and the punctuality and urbanity manifested in the dis- thart:e of it asterial duties. Many members objected to these parti- ethos, siel 1....fleasi to vote thenks in so murked a manner for the per- format-e of a Lord Mayor's ordinary duties: and after some discussion, thanks were sated in brief and general terms.
Mr. llicka moved that fifty guineas be granted to the Reverend Charles Caton, the Lord Mayors Chaplain, in token of the Court's apt probutien of his ;.etillOn reached before the Lord Mayor and Judges. String oh jeetions were urged against a vote approving a most unchari- table mid bigoted discotose. ; and Mr. Hicks amended his motion, by striking out the words eel.veying :1 probation of the sermon. Still, many members refitted to vote the money at all. The amended mo- tion e•es, lit,wes-er, carried, without a division ; and the Court rose.