The accounts from Newurk vary whit the polities of the
writers. The Morning Post asserts that the progress of Mr. Thesiger's canvass " leaves "no doubt of the return of that gentleman ; " while the Morning Chronicle affirms that " the Solicitor-General's canvass has been suc- cessful beyond Lis most sanguims cent:citations ; that Mr. Thesiger has experienced a Lehi rettiption, ;toil that the result of his canvass has sa- tisfied him that he csn have Ito hope of success." It is added, that the Duke of Newesstle, iii to disturb the arrangement- by which he was alloa ed quietiy to nominate one Member for Newark, will not countenance the attempt to Ott; 'u Mr. Thesiger. If ti tic is true, that learned person's dischimee of undue hilluence reminds one of the pro- verb of the fox nod the grapes.
A report Hen Mr. W. .1.% liatidity was cae tanning for the Tory can- didate having bseit put lit cirtulatisia, Mr. 11indi,,iy, Avlao is very popu- lar iu Newark, has pointoloy deided its truth, in a published letter.