30 NOVEMBER 1844, Page 10


ftaxivsn—At Gravesend. 24th instant, Countess of Durham. Spittall, from China; 27th, Sovereign, Main, from ditto. In the Downs, 24th, Caledonia, Stephenson, from Bombay ; 28th, E. Boustead, Arnold. from China; Mobile, Martin. from Penang; and S)ria. Stroyan. from Singapore. Off Dartmouth. 23d. John Graham, Pearson, from Ceylon. Oil Falmouth, 26th, Orator, Chester, from ditto. At Lit et pool, 24th. Urgaut, Marshall, from China; 25th. Livingstone, Rickerty, from Calcutta; 26th, Sea Queen, Martyn. from Port Phillip; 27th, Marmion, Ewing. from China; 28th, Canada, Edgar ; and Culdee, Campbell, from Calcutta; Osprey, Kirk ; and Windsor Castle, James, from Bombay. At Cork, 22d. Magnolia. Johnson, from Manilla. At Port Phillip. 21st July, Dale Park, Coombes, from Cork. SAILED-From Gravesend. 24th instant, Orpheus. Digby. for Madras; and London, Gibson. for Bombay ; and 28th. Bi man. Guthrie, for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 23d, Ennerdale. Roadie, for Calcutta; 26th, Auriga, Dalrymple; and Queen Mob. Rowe, for Hong Kong; and Josephine. Smith, for Bombay; 27th, Alexander, Apsey. for Sin- gapore; and Sabina. Ford, fur Bombay. SATURDAY MORNINM ARRIVED—Off Portsmouth. General List, Sandman. from Batavia.