30 NOVEMBER 1872, Page 1

The King of Spain appears to be recovering, but a

story has been circulated in the City and obtained a place in many journals that he has been poisoned. M he has been threatened ever since his accession, and once attacked by assassins, the story is just possible, but there is not a particle of evidence for it, except it be the indistinctness of the bulletins, which may proceed from other causes. Poison as a weapon of political assassination has never been used in modern Europe, and for a very obvious reason,—that the kind of fanatic who would use it generally exults in his crime, and wants his victim to know whence the blow has been received. Fortunately, also, the worst kind of assassination is the one against which it is the easiest to take effective precautions. Cooks are not political fanatics, having usually, we conceive with Mr. Disraeli, a mild preference for plutocracy.