30 NOVEMBER 1872, Page 1

The President on Thursday met this ridiculous proposal by an

.offer, conveyed to the Assembly through M. Dufaure, to submit the proposal for Ministerial Responsibility to a Committee of Thirty, which should define all executive functions, and, as we understand M. Dufaure, consider certain constitutional reforms. This compromise was referred, at the request of M. 93atbie, to the Kerdrel Committee, and after an hour's discus- sion in private with the President—during which M. Thiers refused to give up his right of speech—was rejected, the Com- mittee coolly announcing that it adhered to its proposal. The Left thereupon demanded a vote, but M. Thiers, feeling or plead- ing fatigue, obtained an adjournment to one o'clock on Friday. The debate of that day has not, as we write, reached England, but it was believed that on the float vote, which will probably be taken to-day, M. Thiers would obtain some small majority, and the crisis would be postponed. All kinds of rumours, however, -were flying about, Paris was becoming excited, 3,400 peti- tions in suppdrt of the President had been received from the country, and it had become necessary to protect the rail- way station for Versailles with soldiery. The most contradictory statements are made as to the disposition of the Army, but it appears certain that M. Thiers believes it to be loyal to the Presi- -dent of the day.