A telegram from St. Petersburg admits that a rumour of
the capture of Khiva by Colonel Makasoff has been received,. but says it still requires confirmation. We incline to suspect,. as the story has also reached Cabal, it is true, but are rather puzzled -to know why English approval of the en- terprise is regarded by Russian journals as an insult. The Times, which seems nervous about Central Asia, says Russian conquests,. even if directed against us, do not matter yet, as the Indian Empire is as strong as Russia, and can fight her in Afghanistan if necessary, without wasting strength in premature efforts. That is. quite sound, but the Times will find when the time comes that it is not in Afghanistan, but in the Persian Isthmus, that the battle- field will be found. The sea is always our beat base, and with Persia in our hands, the march of a Russian army southwards would be impossible. Lord Palmerston knew that, and Sir James. Ontram.