SIB,—In the Spectator of November 23rd, you rebuke Mr. John Morley for defending the efforts of the London County Council to throw a portion of local taxation upon rents. You say :—" The proposal of the County Council was clearly un- justifiable because it was plainly implied that ground-rents were to pay more in proportion than all other property, and even that a capital sum should be screwed out of the owners of ground-rents," May I ask you to make known to the public the document in which this proposal was embodied ?— I am, Sir, Scc.,
15 Bruton Street, W., November 24th. HOBHOUSE.
[What the vote of the majority of the County Council demanded was certainly pointed exclusively at the owners of property, and owners of property many of whom have granted long leaseholds of which they will not see the expiration. The demand was "to include in the Bill provision that owners of property within the Strand district, or such part of it as might be defined in the Bill, not purchased by the Council, but likely to be improved by the operation of the scheme, should be required to contribute towards the expense of the improvement in proportion to the enhanced value of their property due to the improvement."—En. Spectator.]