We have dealt elsewhere with the causes of the riots
at Athens, but must note here that M. Theotokis, the Greek Prime Minister, with his colleagues, has resigned, and is succeeded by M. Zaimis, a Moderate Conservative. He is said to be devoted to the interests of the dynasty, and it is asserted that the followers of M. Theotokis will support him in order to avoid a General Election. The scene during the debate in the Chamber which ultimately caused the over- throw of the Ministry is described by the Times correspondent as having been a stormy one. M. Theotokis in recounting the origin of the translation crisis quoted the letters which the Holy Synod addressed to the Queen in 1899 en: plaining the reasons against any translation of the Gospels: " He blamed the Metropolitan, who, owing 'to his weakness of character, had not had the courage to support the Synod's decision in his andiences with her Majesty. The Queen, whose piety, Christian sentiments, and nobility of character were the admiration of the whole world, and who, during the war, was everywhere told by wounded soldiers that they did not read the Gospels because they did not understand the text, had taken steps for the publication of a translation of the Gospels exclusively for family use." The story that the Queen had acted front any ulterior motives was absurd. She was actuated simply by religious zeal. We have no doubt that this was the case. It is impossible to wonder at any person possessed of strong Christian feeling being anxious that the New Testa- ment should be accessible to the people in a language under- stood by them.