30 NOVEMBER 1901, Page 16



SIR,—While thanking you heartily for your sympathetic notice of " What's What," kindly permit me to point out

that your reviewer is in error in querying my statements about Rowley Hill, &c. He was a well-known preacher, and was elected Bishop of Sodor and Man very early in the "eighties." I was staying in Government House at the time. The Governor was Sir Henry, afterwards Lord, Loch; he was in the Iaje of Man altogether for nearly nineteen years. The farm balance-sheet is not an imagination, but an actual one ; the figures were given to me personally by a lifelong friend, the tenant of the farm. Nor do I say the Precentor of a Cathedral is " always " a Minor Canon : see p. 972, lines 22, 23, where he is differentiated from that official. I may add that these details of Cathedral organisation were given me by the Dean of an English Cathedral I will ask you to permit me to add that the slight attempt to photograph the person. ality of two editors which your reviewer deprecates was written of men, one of whom has been dead some years, while the other has retired from office. For both I had and have the highest esteem and personal gratitude.—I am, Sir, &c., [Dr. Rowley Hill was scarcely " celebrated " for eloquence or wit. No mention is made of these gifts in the memoir in the "Dictionary of National Biography." We meant that the balance-sheet was not typical. The ordinary farmer would not spend so much on labour, and the rates work out at the incredibly low figure of eighteenpence in the pound. This must be wrong, and it made one suspect other errors.--• THE WRITER OE THE REVIEW.]