In the series of " Flowers of Parnassus " (John
Lane, ls. and ls. 6d.), Christmas at the Mermaid, by Theodore Watts- Dunton, with illustrations by Herbert Cole.—The Tennyson Reciter, edited by Alfred H. Miles (Hutchinson and Co., 2s.), is a selection, liberally made, of the most popular of Tennyson's poems, the choice being limited, of course, to such as are out of copyright. This is a handsome volume, with excellent print, and certainly very cheap at the price.—Modern Business Methods, by Frederick Hooper and James Graham (Ma;:millan and Co., 2s. 6d. and 3s. 6d.), is a new edition in two volumes, respectively devoted to the " Home Trade" and " Import and Export Trade," of the author's work on " Business Methods."