MAGAZINES AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS.—We have received the following for December
:—The Century, the Pall Mall Magazine, St. Nicholas, the Smart Set, the Review of Reviews, Scribner's Magazine, the Idler, the Parent's Review, the World of Dress, the English Illustrated Magazine, the Empire Review, the Strand Magazine, the Cornhill Magazine, Chambers's Journal, Temple Bar, IlarPer'8 Magazine, the Magazine of Art, the New Liberal Review, the Captain, the Geographical Journal, the Windsor Magazine, the School World, the Sunday Strand, the Literary Era, the Bookman, Nature Notes, the Open aurt, the Gentleman's Magazine, the Indian Magazine, the North American Review, the Dublin Review, the Monist, the Sun Children's Budget, Lippincott's Magazine, Cassier's Magazine, the Badminton Magazine, the Journal of Education, Cassell's Magazine, the Expository Times, the Sunday Magazine, Macmillan's Magazine, the Sunday at Home, the Law Magazine and Review, the Law Quarterly Ileriew, the English Historical Review, the Mane/tester Quarterly, the United Service Magazine, the Educational Review, the Book-Buyer, the Quiver, the Forum, the Atlantic Monthly, the Universal Magazine, the Month, Crampton's Magazine, Good Words, the Canadian Magazine, the Lady's Realm, the Architectural Review, the Critical _Review, the Home Counties Magazine, Mothers in Council, the Boy's Own Paper, the Girl's Own Paper, the Humanitarian, the Public Schools Maga- zine, the Autlwr, the Playgoer, World Work, the Churchman. Travel, the Leisure Hour, Pears' Annual, the Critie,the Expositor, the Journal of Philology, the Child's Bible, Living Animals, the County Monthly, the Girl's Realm, the llitman at Home, the Wide World Magazine, lIarmsworth's Magazine, the thnnoisseur, the Engineering Magazine, the Era, East and West, the Agnostic Annual, the Library World, Climate, the Crisis, the Art Record, the Ladies' League Gazette, the Indian Ladies' Magazine, Castles and Abbeys of Great Britain, Electricity, Living London, the Economic Review, the Jewish Quarterly, the Church Quarterly, the Columbia Univer- sity Quarterly, the International Journal of Ethics, the Journal of Theological Studies, the Statistical Journal, the Friesuls' Quarterly Examiner, the Political Science Quarterly, the Art Annual, Beautiful Pictures, the Twentieth-Century Citizen's Atlas, the Artist, Vanity Fair Winter Number, Christmas Numbers of the Sketch, the Illus- trated London News, and the Queen, and Punch Almanac.