[Under this heading as Isaias such hooks of the week as haw rat been reserved for revisal is other forms.] In Our Tongues. By Robert H. Kennett. (E. Arnold. 35. 6d.) —In these "Thoughts for English Readers" Professor Kennett brings his knowledge of Hebrew—he occupies the Hebrew Chair at Cambridge—to bear on some difficulties of the Old Testament, and goes on to discuss the same subject in other aspects. He is perfectly frank, and will have nothing to do with the special pleading too often used by the conservative controversialist. He states, for instance, with absolute precision the composite character of the Genesis narrative of Creation, but he sees in this character a help, not a hindrance, to faith. Then, again, in treating the prophetical references in the New Testament he insists that to say the prophecy was "fulfilled" in this or that event does not moan that it was a prediction of the event, but that it found in it its fullest meaning. Similar is the meaning of "I am come to fulfil the law." Christ did not make His actions correspond to its precepts. Some of these precepts, on the con- trary, He abrogated. What He did was "to snake the Law full by developing it and raising it, so to speak, to its highest power." This is a most useful and seasonable volume.