The Cult of the Rifle and the Cult of Peace.
By H. S. Perris,. M.A. (T. Seeley Clark and Co. ls. net.)—Mr. Perris does not promote the cause which he has at heart by this kind of talk. It would be as unreasonable for us to suggest that he has taken up this cause for the sake of the profits which this book may bring- him, or because he wishes to be made the salaried secretary of a. League of Peace, as it is for him to bring charges of self-seeking against all who have anything to do with armaments. What is it he wants us to do ? To disband our Army and dismantle our Fleet? Mr. Haldane pleases him no more than does Mr. Arnold- Forster, and if he speaks of ships it is to sneer at " naval alarmists" and lament over the cost of a `Dreadnought' Would it have alarmed him if, when the Turks trespassed on the Egyptian frontier, we had been unable or unwilling to sends. reinforcement to the spot, and had suffered all our beneficent work in Egypt to be undone, and the fellaheen to be put under the heel of an Ottoman taskmaster?