[To THE EDITOR 07 THR "SPECTLTOR."] SIR,—You see what Bolton
has done, and I venture to say that at the General Election Lancashire will follow suit. Protection, you may make up your mind, the County Palatine will not have. Free Traders here are now put in good heart and will lose no time in telling the people in definite terms that if Unionists are returned to power bread will be taxed and consequently dearer. From an election point of view could there be a better cry P There is now a straightforward issue, and other matters will not be allowed to overcloud it. Your discussion last Saturday of the matter of the Referendum and decision is disturbing, for we all remember with gratitude the powerful support of the Spectator to Free Trade when Mr. Chamberlain shot his bolt of Tariff Reform. All I have got to say is that this new move of the Unionist leaders means a continuance of wilderness life to the Conservative