The election in Bow and Bromley has resulted in the
gain of a seat by the Unionists, the figures, announced on Tuesday night, being : Mr. R. Blair (Unionist) 4,042, Mr. G. Lansbury (Socialist) 3,291, or a Unionist majority of 751. In December 1910 there was a Socialist majority of 863. Mr. Lansbary, who recently resigned his seat in order to submit his views on the Insurance Act and "militancy" to the electorate, had alienated the Liberals and was disowned by the Labour Party, In the circumstances no political significance attaches to the election so far as the main party issues are concerned. The result simply shows that the bulk of the electorate have a wholesome resentment against freak candidatures, and that their resentment is not lessened when the candidate is a militant suffragist into the bargain.