30 NOVEMBER 1956, Page 15

SIR.--A reader of thirty years' standing has sadly withdrawn. As

an older reader returning let me cheer you up. More than fifty years ago I surreptitiously read you at Eton, thereby incurring suspicion of being a pro-Boer! I have no right to any views on Suez in neutral Eire, but may I suggest a useful parallel to Mr. Toynbee's Pilgrimage of Grace'?

There will be no peace in the Middle East until there is British-Moslem understanding, A society for Christian-Jewish relations has been successful. Once England was the greatest Moslem power in the world. England has fought wars for the Turks and enriched Egypt. A society to bring Moslems and Christians into understanding is needed.

Through you or Mr. Toynbee may I recall to our Egyptian friends that my old friend Wilfrid Scawen Blunt in 1882 by personal courage and insistence prevented the execution of Arabi Pasha (the Nasser of his day). Regard- less of statesmen let us get together. I appeal to my Moslem friends in the name of Wilfrid Blunt and Lawrence of Arabia!—Yours faith- fully,