SIR,—It is not generally known that in Northern Ireland today a number of survivors of tb,e on notorious Japanese 'death railway,' whose heal was undermined by their experiences, are without homes and trying to live on very sin' government pensions. Mr. T. B. Bingham, the Secretary of the County Down group of ex-prisoners, who is himself a sitiart vivor of the 'death railway,' appealed to me help in providing homes for some of these have gotten men. As an example of what they ""'n suffered I should like to cite Mr. Bingham's °v.! case. During the construction of the Japanese after way he escaped from a working party but aftet thirty days of freedom was recaptured and ecin,rit martialled. He was the only prisoner to be le0 alive after an attempted escape but served Ole dreadful months in the Japanese 'glasshouse.. Sin 19 the war he has suffered ill-health and is gradn''',, shot losing the use of his right arm where he was when running away from the working Party' itb There are other ex-prisoners whose poor beabo prevents them doing a full day's work and „ are without homes of their own. Surely they des',"0 every care and attention, particularly as "to told by one of them that they cannot expect live much longer.
The reason for this letter is that
funds available for an advertising campaign a to I would like to ask if any of your readers 00 to help in some way. Target number one is _of raise £10,000 to provide bungalows for some „g. the survivors. I should be very grateful for S;erg gestions and, of course, cheques and postal oruw for small or big amounts made out to the Ex PO , to and sent (Far East) Association, County Down, me. te( I should also very much like to hear from 0 jo survivors of the 'death railway' who are still
we have 000,1 need of help. Y Roy attzGy■•A
3-5 Fetter Lane, EC4