Gli Italiani in Scozia Charles Forte's catering empire is growing
s° fast that I don't suppose he could hold back Its borders even if he wanted to. The prestige of that numerous Scots-Italian clan of which he is head has long been unchallenged. There are many such clans, established over two, rooted three, • or four generations, most of them firmly I in Scotland itself, and the great part which they have played in easing the rigours of life in 111,e north has never been adequately recognise' What must it have been like for the first mono' glot immigrants venturing beyond the Highland Line with their small capital, to convert the Gael to ice-cream and coffee? Forte's own grandfather walked all the way from Cassino to the Channel coast, and from Kent to Dundee, with all his belongings on his back. His deseerl‘ dant—who took Dr. Johnson's tip about 111: noblest prospect for Scotsmen—does well to proud of him and others like him. The story c11. the Italians in Scotland obsesses this most like. able of tycoons, not the least of whose ambitiont, is to arrange the first real study It will make a fascinating footnote to the soda
history of Scotland. of the sabjec. Press at the Polls