It appears from subsequent arrivals, that the cause of the
Spanish patriots is not in quite so desperate a condition as we were led last week to suppose. Part of VALDEZ' corps were de- feated, and forced to measure back their steps into France ; but VALDEZ himself still maintains his ground. He has published a sort of bulletin, stating, that he had attacked a Capuchin convent at Vera, but on the advance of the Royalists to its relief, was obliged to retreat ; that the day after, a Royalist corps under Juaarno attacked him, but being vigorously resisted, JUANITO was compelled to retreat in his turn. The Royalists are said to have lost a hundred men ; and they are described as two thousand strong, while the patriots were only two hundred. The despatch which mentions these events is dated Zugarramurdi, 18th of Octo- ber. MINA, who commands a small corps, the lowest member of which has borne the commission of captain, published a spirited proclamation on reentering his native country. Eh PASTOR has also addressed the Basques on the same occasion. MINA quitted Bayonne on the 18th. Pain% one of the patriot chiefs, has fallen in a skirmish near Balearic's. The patriots appear to be advancing on the high-road towards Barcelona.