30 OCTOBER 1830, Page 20


Tuesday, October 26.


LAW and MITCHELL, Sheffield, merchants—TURNER and PEARCE. B100111SbIlry Square, attornies—GERMAN and Co. Preston, Manchester, cotton-spinners; as far as regards BR OWN—HOLMANS and WRI4HT, Margate, Kent, farmers—BERN- CASTLE and SOLOMON, Lewes, Sussex, watch-makers—Coetxv and WARNER, Starch Green, Hammersmith, varnish makers--LA RR and SON, Skinner Street,. Somers Town, and Seymour Street, Euston Square, boot and shoe makers—HAtz. and Co. Congletons silk-throwsters—FLETcHER and Ctratzsmo, Manchester, fus tan-manufacturers—J. and T. Illoorts, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire, chemists— L. and F. GORDON, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, wine-merchants—Bo wE as and Erse's rt, Manchester, spindle-makers—A., B.. A., and J. BEESLEY, Birming- ham, wire•workers—EGERTON and PICKETT, Brighton, coachmasters—R. and W. TuastsuLL, Newcastlempon-Tyne. grocers—NEweoRT and CoLss, Wells, Somer- netshire, surgeons—PATav and Co. Liverpool and Manchester, commission-mer- chants; as far as regards RUSHFORTH—BmtcLAY and DOMETT, Wapping, Irish provision-merchants—SuIELDs and LITTLEDALE, Glasgow, commission-agents.


R G UN ON, Roan ItT, Great Prescot Street, Goodman's Fields, carpenter, Oct. 26. Rows, Gsortos, Shoe Lane, victualler, Oct. 25.


Po OLE, THOMAS, Fore Street, Cripplegate, linen-draper.


BYERS, JOHN, Little St. Thomas Apostle, tailor, to surrender Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Dec. 7: solicitor, Mr. Bousaeld, Chatham Place, Blackfriars. FRASER, JAMES, Limehouse, patent ship-hearth manufacturer, Nov. 2, 9, Dec. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Paterson, and Beart, Mincing Lane. KIRKHAM, BENJAMIN, Bentinck Street. Manchester Square, lodging-house- keeper, Nov. 5, 9, Dec. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Rowlandson and Wyche, Southamp- ton Buildings, Chancery Lane. KIRWAN, NICHOLSON, Riches Court, Lime Street, merchant, Nov. 2, 16, Dec 7: solicitors, Messrs. Alliston and Lock, Freeman's Court, Cornhill. LEIGH, SAMUEL GEORGE, Oundle, Northamptonshire, grocer, Nov. 5,9, Dec. 7: solicitors, Amory and Coles, Throgmorton Street. NOTTAGE, CHARLES, Fore Street, butcher, Nov. 5,9, Dec. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Fyson and Beck, Lothbury. OGILVY, JAMES, Fleece Yard, Tothill Street, Westminster, and Barge Yard, Bucklersbnry, cabriolet-proprietor, Nov. 2, 12, Dec. 7: solicitor, Mr. Dods, Nor- thumberland Street, Strand. Os BORNE, ClIARLES, Sculcoates, Yorkshire, merchant, Nov. 2,3, Dec. 7: Solici- tors, Messrs. Rosser, and Son, Gray's Inn Place, Gray's Inn; and Messrs. England and Shackles, Hull. PHI Liars, JOSEPH, and FRANCIS, jun. Derby, linendrapers, Nov. 2.3, Dec. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Smithson and Co. New Inn ; and Mr. Dunnicliff, Derby. EzCHARDSON, JOHN, and THOMAS WANT, Barbican, builders, Nov. 2, 12, Dec. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Kearsey and Hughes, Lothbury. Roaso:v, EDWARD, Leeds, grocer, Nov. 2,3, Dec. 7: solicitor, Mr. Maxon, Little Friday Street ; and Messrs. Upton and Son, Leeds. Ross, JAMES ENNIS, Bath, linendraper, Nov. 4, 5, Dec. 7 solicit:a, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Henry Wait Hall, Bristol. TOIVNSEND, WILLIAM, Halifax, Yorkshire, merchant, Nov. 3, 4, Dec. 7 : solici- tors, Messrs. Straugwayes and Walker, Bernard's Inn ; and Mr. J. Barber, Brig- house near Halifax.

VINEN, THOMAS, Norwich, woollen.draper, Nov. 5, 16, Dec. 7: solicitor, Mr. Robins, Southampton Buildings, Holborn.


Nov. 16, Hill, Royston, Hertfordshire, builder—Nov. 23, Barrett, Rugby, War- wickshire, wine-merchant—Nov. 16, Maltby and Buckland, Gutter Lane, lace- manufacturers—Nov. 16, Stansbie. Birmingham, paper-dealer—Nov. 17, \V. and R. Burbidge, Birmingham, grocers—Nov. 17, Bardsley, jun. Oldham. Lancashire, cot- ton-spinner—Dec. 20, Tregenna, East Looe, Cornwall, draper—Nov. 17, Lonsdale, Manchester, silk-warehousemen—Nov. 18, Hawkins, Easton, Hampshire, grocer— Nov. 16, Bulfery, Stratford-upon-Avon, dealer—Nov. 24, Robson, Dolston, Cumber- land, common-brewer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nov. lb.

Wylie, Bank Chambers, merchant—Haskins, Quadrant, Regent Street, jeweller— Barton, Union Street, Southwark, grocer—Gonzalez, Copthall Court, merchant- Tylecote, Great Haywood, Staffordshire, surgeon—J. and G. Howorth, Spotland, Lancashire. worsted- manufacturers—M'Ghie and Waketield. Manchester, milliners Bishop, Ripon, Yorkshire, grocer —Money, Liverpool, draper—Priestly, Halifax, stuff-merchant—Jackson, ship " master-mariner.


JOHNSTON, JQIIN, and WstaTE a BELL, Lockerby, cattle-dealers, Nov. 4, 24.

Friday. October 29.


Glue and Co. Gibraltar, merchants ; as far as regards D. ANNAN—COCKER and SoNs,Hathersage, Derbyshire, wire drawers—GEORGE and WATKINS, Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, linen•drapers—Baroos and SMITH. Sheffield, silver-platers- Coos and SANDE ESAN, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, millwrights—EasToN and Sims, Wimborne-Minster, Dorsetshire, land surveyors—Do NTH 0 RNE and RUST, Swaff- ham, Norfolk, carpenters-4-J. and J. UMPHELEY, Skinner Street, Snow Hill,. wool- len-drapers—PoTnEc.ta Y and WITHERS, Tyer's Gateway, Bermondsey, wool- stapler—JAMES and Co. London, merchants.


BROOKE, Sours, Twig Folly, Bethnal Green, bookseller, Oct. 27. MONTEITH, ROBERT, Sloane Street, merchant, Oct. 29.


CLARK, CHARLES Old Gravel Lane, St. George-in-the-East, corn-dealer, to surrender Nov. 12, 19, Dec.10 : solicitors, Messrs. Brooking and Surr, Lombard Street.

EASTMAN, Hoots, Jan. Rood Lane, Fenchurch Street, broker, Nov. 12, 19, Dec. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Sheffield and Son, Prescot Street. GARRATT, GEORGE, High Street, St. Marylebone, victualler, Nov. 5, 19, Dec. 10: solicitor, Mr. Rye, Golden Square. KIRKPATRICK, JOSEPH, Clitheroe, Lancashire, wine-merchant, Dec. 1, 2, 10 : solicitors, Mr. Beverley, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Trappe% Clitheroe. KNAPP, FRANCIS. Camborne, Cornwall, victualler, Nov. 12, 13, Dec. 10: soli- citors, Messrs. Evans and Co. Gray's Inn ; and Mr. H. Perkins. Bristol. LARGE, JOHN, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, coachmaker, Nov. 5, 12, Dec. 10: solicitor, Mr. Crosse, Surry Street, Strand. LONGDEN SAMUEL, Finch Lane, Cornhill, wine-merchant, Nov. 5, 12, Dec. 10 : solicitors, Messrs. Trehern and Baker, New Inn. MONCR CEP, JOHN Peckham, master-mariner, Nov. 5, 12, Dec. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Baxindale and Co. King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street. ROACH, RICHARD S3IITH, Cateaton Street, cap-manufacturer, Nov. 5, 12, Dec. 10: solicitor, Mr. Nias, Coptball Court, Throgmorton Street. Runn, HENRY, and RYE, THOMAS, Star and Garter Yard, Ratcliffe Highway, colour-makers, Nov. 5, 19, Dec. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Vandercom and Comyn, Bush Lane, Cannon Street. WALKER, THOMAS, Bugbrooke Northamptonshire, victualler, Nov. 5, 12, Dec.10 : solicitors, Mr. Vincent, King's Bench Walk : and Mr. G. Cooke, North- ampton. WHEELER, FRANCIS SHEPARD, Linklield Lane, Isleworth, plumber, Nov. 2, 5, Dec. 10: solicitors, Mr. Loveland, Symond's Inn ; and Mr. Yarnell, Isleworth. WiLnv, JouN, Oxford Street, hatter, Nov. 5, 12, Dec. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Hill and Randall, Welbeck Street.


Nov. 19, Rose, Stock Exchange, and Hertford Place, New Haggerstone, coal- merchant—Nov. 8, Goodhugh, Oxford Street, bookseller—Nov. 19, Giani, New Cavendish Street, Portland Place, and Fulham, music-publisher—Nov. 23, Bowles, Balsham, Cambridgeshire, grocer—Nov. 19, Paul, East Grinstead, Sussex, plumber —Nov..19, R. and T. Tucker, Tower Royal, wholesale stationers—Nov. 19, Palmer and Bond], Lawrence Lane wholesale drapers—Nov. 19, Gamson Mark Lane, corn-factor—Nov. 19, Crucenx, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, printer—Nov. 26, Tylecote, Great Haywood, Staffordshire, surgeon—Nov 22, Cromack, Leeds, cloth- manufacturer—Nov. 25, Perkins, Stockton, Warwickshire, broker.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before November 19.

Smith, Mason's Hill Farm, Kent, sheep-salesman—Salon, Liverpool, jeweller— Drake, Stepney Green, carpenter—Young, Osborne Street, Brick Lane, Whitechapel, common-brewer—Sadler, Dartford, lime.merchant—Robottom, James Street, Co. vent Garden, coffee-house-keeper—Young, Manchester, hosier—Lewis, Bridgnorth, Innkeeper—Buckley, Manchester and Ashton under-Line, gingham•manufacturer- Armstrong, Penrith, Cumberland, grocer—Prodgers, Ludlow, banker—Hacker, Tollington Park, Hornsey Road, builder.


ROBERTSON, JEDIDIAH, Perth, cloth-merchant, Nov. 5,26.