The sanguinary farce in Spain is closed : three weeks
have suf- ficed to develop and cresh as reckless and base a civil war as ever disgraced the history of nations. The excitement over, we.are in a position to take a retrospect of the whole affair; and seldom has a similar series of crimes been presented in so compressed and close a view. The only justification of revolution is a great object com- bined with the probability of success. The avowed object of the late revolution in Spain was, not to advance the condition of the people, not to restore a dynasty, not to maintain any special sys- tem of opinions, hut to carry back to power a Minister—the late Regent CHRISTINA—whose rule had been unsuccessful and finally disastrous. Another object, it is but too probable, with a secret ally of the rebel Queen, was a solemn mockery of Louis the Four- teenth's magnificent provision for a younger son ; and Spain was to have been the dower of the bride to Louis PHILIPPE s fourth son. The probabilities of success were tested by CHRISTINA'S last position in Spain having been that of defeat : the only change subsequent had been a gradual strengthening of the Go- vernment which defeated her. A few thousand pounds, ill-laid out for the purpose, a few discontented officers of divers parties, and a truckling to local attachment for certain obsolete municipal pri- vileges constituted the whole of CHRISTINA'S reliance. With such probabilities of success and such objects, she, a queen and mother, agreed to plunge her country into civil war and to make her little children the bone of contention in a bloody conflict. What moral do the results unfold ? Of CHRISTINA'S chief abettors, LEON is shot as a traitor ; Morirss DE OCA has undergone the same fate ; Isrmurz is in prison awaiting the fiat of severe expediency or triumphant clemency ; O'DossELL is doomed to irrevocable exile ; and Ramos NARYAEZ, if he is one of the set, has hitherto escaped punishment because he has been double traitor and has not fulfilled his rebellious mission.
CaitisTrsA is overwhelmed with shame and remorse ? Not at all : subjected to the stern and just, if somewhat pedantic, reproofs of the representative of Spain in Paris, S. °Lozano, she meets them with effrontery and pert quibbling. Her designs—like those of some painters, full of pentimenti—are outlines hastily conceived and effaced. She concocts in Paris this rebellion—for there is no reason to doubt her treachery : then, taken unawares by the re- bukes of an honest man, who, bearing letters from her children in his hand, condemns her unprincipled and unmaternal conduct, she disavows her share in the conspiracy for which she has let others bleed : she next disclaims that disavowal : and now, somewhat uneasy, possibly, at the odium which she has incurred by dis- avowing the men who risked all in her cause, she has issued a manifesto shamelessly balancing betwixt yea and nay. This last paper, addressed to OLOZAGA in her name by her private secretary, is composed in a style of impudent and vulgar retort ; merited con- demnation being met by insolent language and designed discourtesy. The substance of the latest avowal—if our Postscript should not contain a new version of the story—is, that CHRISTINA did not sanction the war raised by her partisans, but since it has been raised in her name, she will not disown the generous Spaniards who did it for her sake ; nor will she sanction the acts of the man to whom they were opposed, ESPARTERO. Caftan/La dares nei- ther own the rebellion nor disown the rebels.
The charge against Louis Pamers of countenancing the pro- jects of this bad woman for his own ends, has not been contradicted, except in loose and general denials. Proofs of his guilt are de- manded by his friends : has any one ever thought of making it worth the while of CHRISTINA or any of her accomplices to oblige the claimants with the desired proofs?